Do you struggle to make advances in your riding?

Empowering Riders and Their Horses

to be the Best they can be

You are not alone. Many riders find themselves going 'round and 'round, feeling they are going nowhere fast.





Do you feel you pay for the same riding lesson over and over?

Use of Words

Most riding instruction consists of the wrong words used at the wrong time for the horse and rider presented. This makes the lesson unachievable for either, or both, the horse and rider. Many times riders leave the arena frustrated and thinking they just can't get it!

Overfacing of Horse/Rider

Many riding instructors like to feed their egos. By making the demands on horse and rider impossible to meet, both the horse and rider actually lose confidence, which then creates a dependency on the instructor. Job security for the instructor is ensured. Because if you get good, will you stay?

Individual Issues Ignored

Ever been to a clinic and noticed that you just watched the same lesson given 8-10 times over the course of the day? While sometimes all riders and horses may need to work on the same thing on the same day, usually this is not the case. The clinicians can be talented riders but not necessarily great teachers.

Feeling Stagnant in your Riding?

Many MANY riders feel this way. They work and work, but still struggle to move up to the next level showing, or lack confidence with their riding skills. Do you find yourself creating excuses as to why you can't go ride your horse today?

Lacking confidence is a major issue for riders. This itself can prevent progress. When a rider is unable to perform the task set by the instructor, the result can be lowered self esteem. Riders and horses get frustrated with each other, with neither looking forward to the next ride.

The majority of riders are also on horses who are struggling to understand what the rider is asking. So when both horse and rider are struggling together, and not communicating well with each other, progress is slowed almost to a halt.

Instruction tailored specifically for YOU

We treat each horse and rider combination as an individual case

Every lesson is specific to horse and rider, at that moment. Specific words are chosen, such that the rider can process and respond quickly. The timing of the words is also important, helping the rider find the path to success.

My goal is to build confidence, create partnerships with your horse, and have people truly learn how to ride effectively in a secure balance.

Occasionally, there will be a "theme" happening at a clinic, but it's never on purpose!

Much laughter and jokes ensue if a theme emerges, but honestly, during a clinic with Stephanie, you will see and hear a variety of lessons over the course of the clinic.

Her methods apply for riders of any level and all breeds of horses.

My Process


I watch you ride for a few minutes. Walk, trot, canter if you wish, both directions. I'm looking at the overall balance of both you and the horse, how you two interact with each other. This gives me a starting point, where I feel you can make the most progress with repeatable results. I'm also looking at crookedness issues in both horse and rider.


I then have you come to a halt so I can do a hands on position realignment, showing your body exactly where it needs to be. This may involve sitting differently or changing your leg position. Maybe shortening or lengthening the stirrups. Essentially, I am organizing the rider into a better balance.


We then work out our "Words".

The words you will hear from me usually differ from the words typically used in a riding arena. Remember, the lesson is specific for you and your horse.

The timing of the words is also imperative. For this reason, I tend to use short phrases or even single words.


It's important that the rider be able to replicate the new position. Supposedly, it takes thousands of repetitions to create a new muscle memory. I want to give you time to process the new "feelage", learn to recognize when you have it and when you don't. It's a game of got it, lost it, where the goal is to get it more than you lose it!

Pathway to becoming an Empowered Rider


Find a clinic in your area

Stephanie teaches all over the US. There is a list of upcoming clinics. If you don't see one in your area, feel free to reach out so maybe one can get organized near you. I'm always interested in new venues.


Money back guarantee

Yep. That's not a misprint. I feel that all riders can benefit from riding with me. I want the horses happy!

If for any reason, after attending the clinic, you feel it wasn't worth it, I'll refund the clinic tuition fee. So come try me out!


Become a better partner for your horse

By learning how to sit balanced, how to be a quieter yet more effective rider your horse can now offer you amazing rides. Sometimes changes are dramatic in just one lesson, hard to believe I know. But it has happened!

What Our Happy Clients Say:

I have become a more effective rider since working with Stephanie. I look
forward to each opportunity to work with her as every time there is an
"aha" moment, when my horse and I see how much easier it can be working
together in alignment.

--- Terina


Positive, encouraging, micro-detailed in teaching. Understands that each rider and horse combination are uniquely coupled and does not use a
One-Size-Fits-All teaching method. Perfectly gives instruction based on
the comprehension level of each student and adjusts her teaching style
accordingly. Very inviting for All Riders including disabled persons,
such as myself <3

--- Sara

I am a western rider specializing in competitive barrel racing.
I decided to start taking lessons from Stephanie Mosely to explore the
benefits of dressage.
The fundamentals, alone, are an excellent base to
build upon to become a well-rounded rider.

Since beginning lessons with Stephanie, my riding has exponentially improved.

She has helped me with my quarter horse Tucker, who has a slipping
stifle issue, by teaching me how to work on strengthening his
hindquarters and topline.
Within a year of focusing on Tucker, his
times and turns on the barrel pattern have greatly improved.
has taught me how to stay consistently balanced and keep my body in good
position in order to help Tucker and I ride more efficiently.

I encourage those who want to improve their skills of riding to take the
opportunity to work with Stephanie.
Time spent under her direction
would be extremely beneficial regardless of level or discipline of any

- Erin

Great Grooming Hack for a Beautiful, Easy to care for Tail

  • Helps prevent breakage from tangles

  • Easy to care for the tail daily

  • Helps to prevent sun bleaching of tail hair

  • Still allows horse to use their tail naturally

Download Your Free Guide

Some Of Our Successes

You've found the Right Map!

Now you just have to get on the road and start driving. If you feel stuck in a rut with your riding, come join me for a clinic. I can help you navigate the path, showing you the way to becoming a better rider.

Your horse will thank you.

Empowering Riders and Their Horses

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